Before you begin to read my books I want to explain what they are and are not. They are not books about theology, religion, dogma, philosophy, or science of any kind. They are not self-help books, nor books about belief systems.
What are the books about? My books are about sharing experiences. They are books in which I share my memories of drowning, dying, going into the Light, and returning to earth again. They are about my memories of my Near-Death-Experience and my absorbtion into the unconditional loving Light and Oneness. I attempt to describe, using three-dimensional words, concepts, and analogies what it feels like to be alive in the infinite, unconditional loving, eternal Light — to experience the true meaning of pure ecstasy.
Remembering The Light (Through Prosetry)
ISBN 978-1-4327-7593-3
My poetry writing started with a sequence of bizarre, early morning happenings. I would wake up in the middle of the night, fully alert — with strange phrases, concepts, and images spinning around in my mind. There was nothing I could do to make those mental images go away and allow me to go back to sleep. They wouldn’t stop. In addition, along with these unusual thoughts and images, I sensed, for the first time in my life, an irresistible impulse to write.
I am not a writer. I don’t like to write. But at each nocturnal incident I would find myself sitting at my desk, writing simple poetry that flowed from my subconscious out through the end of my pencil point. It was as if I were viewing a large chalkboard in my head constantly being filled with words, phrases, and images, which I copied down on a pad of paper. After an hour or so, I would be finished, very tired, and go back to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later and looked at what I had written, I was always surprised at the simplicity, depth, and truth of each poem I wrote. And how it mirrored what I remembered from my NDE.

Alive In The Light (Remembering Eternity)
ISBN 978-1-4787-3586-1
The Light is a steady stream of consciousness that never leaves my awareness. It abides in the silent space existing between my thoughts. My memories of the Light are always fresh and new — filling me with the same unconditional love I absorbed from the Light when I was earth-dead. Whenever I think about the Light, I smile as I feel myself fill with ecstasy and the desire to return to the Light ... to return Home.
When I was in the Light, I was aware of the existance of two of me — a three-dimesional, earth bound me (Earth-Andy), and a multi-dimensional, holographic piece of the Light me (Light-Andy). I am one and the same entity, existing in two differ universes — one limited and the other unlimited.
I am a composite of the finite and infinite into a holographic piece of One, unconditional loving Light.
Alive In The Light (Remembering Eternity)
ISBN 978-1-4787-3586-1
The Light is a steady stream of consciousness that never leaves my awareness. It abides in the silent space existing between my thoughts. My memories of the Light are always fresh and new — filling me with the same unconditional love I absorbed from the Light when I was earth-dead. Whenever I think about the Light, I smile as I feel myself fill with ecstasy and the desire to return to the Light ... to return Home..